
Dr./Prof. MORIYOSHI Yasuo
【Affiliation】 Professor of (Department of Mechanical Engineering) Artificial Systems Science, Graduate School of Engineering of Chiba University

Director of Center for Power Source Research for Next-Generation Mobility
【TEL】 043-290-3182
【E-mail】 ymoriyos@
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【Experience】 【Academic background】
1990 : Finished the doctoral course of the Graduate School of Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology

1990...Assistant in Chiba University
1995...Assistant Professor in Chiba University
2008...Appointed to current position

【Academic Sociey】
Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers,JSAE,Combustion Society of Japan,ILASS-Japan, SAE,The Japan Institute of Energy, Turbomachinery Society of Japan, Japanese Society of Tribologists

・Thermo-Fluid Engineering
・Numerical analysis and modeling
【Research】 Reseach Paper
Dr./Prof. KUBOYAMA Tatsuya
【Affiliation】 Professor of (Department of Mechanical Engineering) Artificial Systems Science, Graduate School of Engineering of Chiba University
【TEL】 043-290-3916
【E-mail】 tkuboyam@
(Please enter after the @.)
【略歴】 【Academic background】
2007 : Finished the doctoral course of the Graduate School of Engineering of the same university.

2007...Specially Appointed Researcher in Chiba University
2009...Specially Appointed Assistant Professor in Chiba University
2013...Associate professor in Chiaba University
2024...Appointed to current position

【Academic Society】
Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers,JSAE,Combustion Society of Japan,ILASS-Japan, SAE

・Thermo-Fluid Engineering
・Internal combustion engine
【Research】 Reseach Paper


【Affiliation】 Specially Appointed Professor of (Department of Mechanical Engineering) Graduate School of Engineering of Chiba University
【TEL】 043-290-3193
【E-mail】 morikawak@
(Please enter after the @.)
Dr. MIYAMOTO Takeshi
【Affiliation】 Specially Appointed Professor of (Department of Mechanical Engineering) Graduate School of Engineering of Chiba University
【E-mail】 aei2155@
(Please enter after the @.)
Dr. KANEKO Makoto
【Affiliation】 Specially Appointed Associate Professor of (Department of Mechanical Engineering) Graduate School of Engineering of Chiba University
【TEL】 043-290-3193
【E-mail】 kaneko@
(Please enter after the @.)